Eight lessons | 90 minutes

Discover how to power up your coaching and influence every meeting, negotiation and interaction, everyday.

  • Learn foundational nonverbal distinctions that will complement and strengthen your coaching skills

  • Access powerful hidden coaching questions that will enhance your next session or meeting

  • Generate new perspectives on challenging issues so you can take appropriate action

  • Be more present so that you are even more effective with clients, colleagues, and stakeholders

  • Walk away with a basic assessment instrument that will help you find "new" leverage points for change in most any conversation

Shake up your thinking

Exercise a different perspective to kick-start new ideas and results

What's inside

  • Interactive video

    One hour of video divided into eight bite-sized lessons, walking you through experiments you can use in any setting

  • Resources

    Four handouts you can print and download, so you can use for yourself or share them with clients and colleagues

  • Bonus content

    Two bonus experiments you can try out and test for yourself - and then use them with others

Course curriculum

    1. Video | Neutral Balance

    2. Key ideas | Neutral Balance

    3. Handout | Neutral Balance instructions

    1. Video | Explore a challenge through Balance

    2. Key ideas | Explore a challenge through Balance

    3. Handout | Balance instructions

    1. Video | Discussing results

    2. Key ideas | Discussing results

    3. Assessment | WYT Goals Form - DECODED

    4. Assessment | WYT Goals Form

    1. Video | Presence and Perspective

    2. Key ideas | Presence and Perspective

About this course

  • $45.00
  • 22 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Dive in to discover what's hiding between the words.

More than just words

With every interaction, you say much more than your words convey. You take in even more information than you know how to process.